HT 1比6可动人偶 电影系列 MMS 648 克隆兵飞行员






【《星球大戰前傳:複製人侵略》Clone Pilot 1:6比例珍藏人偶】Hot Toys參照《星球大戰前傳:複製人侵略》電影中,參與Geonosis戰役時,駕駛共和攻擊炮艇(LAAT Gunship),受過特別訓練的複製人飛行員Clone Pilot,以皇牌MMS Series 系列推出1:6比例珍藏人偶!擅長如實根據電影設定、透過最精確的身高比例與造型細節,塑造出極像真人偶作品的Hot Toys,準確根據複製人Clone Pilot的電影造型,配合團隊頂尖的製作技術與質感還原度最高的物料素材,精心製作出高度約30cm、具有30多個可動關節素體的Clone Pilot 1:6比例珍藏人偶;然後於整套黑色的布材服裝上搭配全套白色頭盔和作戰護甲,頭盔與護甲上精細飾有逼真的舊化塗裝,彷彿從激烈戰役作戰般模樣,細節還包括: 眼部鏡片採用了T字型單片式結構的Phase I Armor頭盔飾有銀河共和國圖案、胸甲上配有用於極端環境戰鬥的增強呼吸過濾器,以及腰間上的裝備帶等等。隨人偶還配備有一個Clone Pilot頭盔 (以供替換)、一副望遠鏡、一柄雷射步槍、一柄手槍、兩枚炸彈、多對造型手掌及人偶地台。同時包裝外盒設計精美,盒面更印有《星球大戰前傳:複製人侵略》20周年標誌,極具收藏價值。

During the Republic era, Clone Troopers were selected to be trained to become pilots to fly a variety of ships for the Clone army. In the battle of Geonosis, they flew Republic Attack Gunships to support the Jedi in the fight with the Separatists.

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Hot Toys is delighted to introduce a series of collectibles based on this landmark film for fans!

The new 1/6th scale Clone Pilot collectible figure features a specialized Clone Pilot helmet, an interchangeable Clone Pilot helmet, a detailed armor with weathering effects, two styles of blasters, a pair of binoculars, thermal detonators, and a figure base!

Add another member to your clone army today!

The 1/6th scale Clone Pilot Collectible Figure specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Clone Pilot in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
- Finely crafted Clone Trooper helmet (Phase I) with pattern and weathering effects
- Specially applied weathering effects on armor, weapons, and accessories
- Body with over 30 points of articulations
- Approximately 30 cm tall
- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including:
- One (1) pair of hands for holding guns
- One (1) pair of relaxed hands
- One (1) pair of gesture hands
- Special package design with Star Wars: Attack of the Clones 20th Anniversary logo

- One (1) Clone Pilot armor with chest panel
- One (1) white belt
- One (1) black colored under-suit
- One (1) pair of white colored boots

- One (1) blaster rifle
- One (1) blaster pistol

- One (1) interchangeable Clone Pilot helmet
- One (1) binoculars
- Two (2) thermal detonators
- Specially designed figure stand with Star Wars logo and character nameplate

Release date: Approximately Q2 – Q3, 2023

*Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Product details could be subjected to change without further notice

& TM Lucasfilm Ltd.
2022 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.

系列 HT 1比6可动人偶
级别或分类 MMS系列
价格 235美元
名称 648 克隆兵飞行员
人物名 克隆兵
版本 普通版
编号 MMS648
比例 1/6
材料种类 塑料
规格 300mm
玩具分类 美系周边
参与创建 venomchow888秋心拆两半madingvvv